Weston Road Animal Hospital

4585 Weston Road
Weston, FL 33331



Canine Services

Our approach to canine veterinary care incorporates both preventive care and comprehensive diagnostics to help owners provide the highest quality of life possible to their canine companions. With a focus on preventing illness, we work hard to listen and communicate well with owners to make sure they understand their dog's health concerns and how to make the best choices for their dog.





Routine Wellness Exams


Since pets age faster than we do, our veterinarians recommend bi-annual complete physical examinations for our canine companions. Our doctors will examine all systems from head to tail and provide recommendations and feedback for best practices to keep your pets in optimal health throughout their lifetime.

vet and pet

Puppy Vaccine Series


Our team loves puppy visits! They are a great opportunity to socialize your puppy with fear-free visits to the veterinary clinic. All puppies should receive a vaccination series with boosters every three weeks for full immunity. These visits should start around 6-8 weeks of age and continue through 16 weeks of age. These vaccinations will protect your puppy from viral and bacterial diseases that can occur in our environment. Puppy visits are also a great opportunity for us to answer any questions you may have and provide guidance with any challenges you may be encountering.

Core Canine Vaccinations Include:

• Bordetella Vaccine- An oral or intranasal vaccine that protects against viral and bacterial pathogens that cause kennel cough. This vaccination is typically required for grooming and boarding facilities.

•DA2P-PV Vaccine - An injectable combination vaccine that protects against multiple viruses that cause Canine Distemper, Adenovirus type 2, Parainfluenza Virus, and ParvoVirus.

•Lepto 4 Vaccine - An injectable vaccine that protects against 4 different strains of Leptospira, a bacterium commonly transmitted through the urine of wildlife and commonly found in standing water. This bacterium is zoonotic, meaning it can be transmitted to humans. It typically causes acute kidney failure

•Rabies Vaccine - An injectable vaccine that protects dogs from the rabies virus. Rabies is fatal and can be transmitted to humans, wildlife and other mammals. For public safety, rabies vaccination is required by law and vaccinations given must be reported to local officials routinely.

vet and puppy

Annual Blood Work


Just like humans, our dogs should have annual wellness bloodwork run and evaluated. This blood work provides a specific baseline for what normal values are for your pet. On average, 1 in 7 pets have an abnormal value that requires monitoring or minor treatment to normalize. When not evaluated these minor abnormalities can continue to progress, eventually causing severe illness. At a discounted price, our wellness bloodwork profiles offer a comprehensive look at your pet's internal health.These profiles include:

•Blood Chemistry Profile and CBC - A blood chemistry profile provides in-depth information about your dog's internal organ function including the kidneys, liver, and pancreas. It also includes information on blood sugar and hydration status. A Complete Blood Count (CBC) can identify signs of infection, inflammation, and anemia. .

•Thyroid Function Testing - A thyroid function test evaluates how well your dog's thyroid gland is working. Thyroid dysfunction is common in mature dogs. It can cause a variety of symptoms like lethargy, increased urination, unexplained weight gain, and poor skin condition. .

•Infectious disease screening (Heartworm & Tick-borne Disease Testing) - This screening identifies exposure to blood parasites that can be transmitted by mosquitoes and ticks.

•Complete Urinalysis -This testing assesses the overall health of your dog's urinary tract from the kidneys to the bladder. It can identify infection, inflammation and changes in urine concentration and pH that can identify the onset of medical issues.

•Fecal Screening - This screening checks for intestinal parasites that may be stealing nutrients in your dog's gastrointestinal tract. These parasites are very common in our outdoor environment. They are responsible for a variety of issues from vomiting and diarrhea to anemia and weight loss. Some of these parasites are zoonotic, meaning you can unknowingly catch them too!

vet and dog




Dental Services


Oral health is a gateway to systemic health, meaning poor oral health can contribute to systemic disease. Dogs should have some type of routine home oral care to promote daily dental health. Options include daily teeth brushing, oral health chews, or water additives. These items reduce bacteria in the mouth and prevent plaque and tartar in different ways. Even with home oral care, dogs should have professional dental cleanings and dental x-rays every couple of years. Our team can perform professional dental cleanings for your pet under full-anesthesia. This minimizes risk and emotional trauma to the patient. It also allows our team to get an in-depth evaluation of your pet's oral health, full-mouth dental x-rays and immediately treat any oral health issues. Fear Free and the American Animal Hospital Association do not approve non-anesthetic dental services because they cause emotional distress and pain.

Dental check

Cold Laser Therapy


Light Amplification of Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Cold laser therapy has many applications in veterinary medicine. Our facility primarily uses laser therapy for its cellular healing benefits. Laser therapy is proven to reduce pain and inflammation related to soft tissue and muscle injury. It can also promote wound healing and cell growth, repair and proliferation. Laser therapy can release endorphins, promote muscle relaxation and improve circulation. Most importantly, Laser therapy can speed the process of recovery by improving the body's natural healing mechanisms. Laser therapy is commonly used to treat a variety of conditions and ailments in dogs. It has been used as a sole treatment, in conjunction with other therapies or medications, or to help heal following surgery in dogs. The most common conditions treated by cold laser therapy in dogs are chronic arthritis, surgical incisions, hot spots, tendon or ligament injuries, traumatic injuries, and spinal disc disease. Treatment sessions typically take anywhere from 2 -15 minutes depending on the reason for treatment

bandaged paw

Weight Management


Obesity is a contributing factor to personality and energy changes in dogs as they age. Carrying extra weight can be painful on the joints and contribute to early arthritis and inflammation. Mobility, joint health, energy level and personality can all be affected by pain and limitations caused by obesity. Our team will work with you to evaluate your pet's body condition score and create a reasonable weight loss plan that gets results and keeps your dog's hunger satisfied.

Weight management




Imaging Services


Our facility can provide a variety of imaging services to help diagnose and evaluate medical issues quickly. We have immediate access to digital radiography and FAST scan ultrasound for triage. All of our x-rays are evaluated by a board-certified radiologist within 24 hours. We also have specialists that we can schedule for on-site CT scans, abdominal ultrasound, and Echocardiograms when deemed necessary.

Rad Dog

Spay & Neuter (Sterilization)


Sterilization is recommended on dogs 6 months of age and older. For large and giant breed dogs it is recommended to wait until 12-18 months of age once these pets are finished growing. Choosing to spay (female) or neuter (male) your pet can provide many health benefits. In females, spay will prevent life-threatening infection in the uterus called pyometra. It will also drastically reduce the possibility of developing cancerous mammary tumors later in life. In males, neuter will prevent testicular cancer, reduce the likelihood of urinary issues from an enlarged prostate, reduce urine marking, and reduce aggression and escape behaviors. e

Kissing dogs

Soft Tissue Surgery


Our facility is equipped with a sterile surgical suite and high-quality surgical instruments and monitoring equipment to perform a menagerie of surgical services. From emergency wound repair to routine subcutaneous tumor removal, our doctors can perform most common soft tissue surgeries on an outpatient basis so your dog can recover comfortably at home the same day. Our technician team is well trained to monitor and recover your dog using human grade monitoring equipment that tracks heart rate, respiratory rate, body temperature, oxygen saturation, and blood pressure. Your dog's safety and comfort are a top priority to our team during the procedure and recovery. From heated, plush bedding to IV fluid support and multi-modal pain management, we provide the very best care to promote optimal recovery.





Orthopedic Surgery


Our team includes a board-certified Orthopedic Surgeon who can perform advanced procedures to surgically repair bone deformities and fractures as well as hip and stifle injuries. Paired with laser therapy and a home physical therapy plan, orthopedic surgery has a high rate of success to get your dog back to regular active play.


Emergency Care & Hospitalization


If your dog needs emergency care, Weston Road Animal Hospital can provide immediate triage, stabilization, in-house diagnostics and hospitalized services for the day. Should your pet require overnight care, we can coordinate continued care with a transfer to one of several local 24-hour facilities. Our team strives to minimize costs and unnecessary repetitive treatments or diagnostics by transferring cases with copies of all available diagnostics and treatment records.


Geriatric Care


Senior dogs deserve special consideration and should have wellness exams and lab work every six months to ensure the best quality of life. As they age, our dogs will experience changes in their exercise needs, metabolism, dietary requirements, and mobility. Although age is not a disease, many dogs experience silent systemic disease with mild symptoms that often go unnoticed by owners. If detected early, most conditions can be medically managed to provide better quality of life for dogs in their geriatric years. The average lifespan of most dogs is about 12 years depending on breed. Many older dogs develop chronic issues like heart disease, malignant tumors, arthritis, kidney disease, liver disease, and thyroid issues. If left untreated, these can cause severe illness and unexpected death. However, most of these conditions can be detected early by the veterinary team and medically managed to lengthen and improve your pet's quality of life.

Senior dog

Hospice Care & Euthanasia


Death is inevitable. It is always a difficult topic to discuss with owners. We never seem to have enough time with our beloved pets. However, if owners can open their hearts to acceptance, they have the ability to purposefully experience so much love and peace by intentionally cherishing every available moment they have left with their beloved pets. When death is imminent, our team will engage in honest conversation and provide compassionate support and guidance to help you plan and prepare for your pet's passing. This includes quality of life assessments, supportive care options, pain management regiments, care of remains, and an option for humane euthanasia. The decision to allow natural death or request euthanasia is a deeply emotional and personal decision. Euthanasia services provide an opportunity to control some aspects of your pet's passing. You can choose the time and location and who will be present. The procedure itself is meant to be a low stress, practically painless and gentle procedure for pets to pass quickly without discomfort or prolonged suffering.
